Whether you run a small or a larger company – everyone has to pay close attention to the topic of customer acquisition. Without new customers – called “leads” in sales – sooner or later you will have a problem for your company. This post is about practical tips for small businesses to generate leads online.
- Use Social Medias
Use social media to build a reputation.
Be active in industry-related discussions and share your expert insights when appropriate. This will help you build a reputation as an expert in your field.
Use social media to drive traffic to your website or blog.
Make sure your website or blog is optimized for SEO and that your social media links lead to it. Use effective calls to action to encourage people to visit your site.
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- Are you a high-performing sales talent?
Even if that applies to you, meaning you’re really good at closing deals and have a salesperson gene, that’s not enough to move your business forward. You then need a great team behind you that has your back completely free when processing the orders.
But how do you get new leads as a sales superhero:in? There are many opportunities outside of the offline world (i.e. personal and telephone sales). But where and how do you sensibly invest your time, energy and hard-earned money? The next chapters report on this.
- Specialization versus generalization
First of all, do you find out where you want your new customers to come from? Do you focus on a specific audience or a small group of audiences? Have you already gained many contacts and maybe even customers? Then start generating new leads there. Because with existing customers, it is much easier to generate up- and cross-selling potential than to acquire completely new customers.
In an ideal world, you don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but spread your risk and costs. So be active in several channels at the same time.
Contacts and referrals typically have the lowest acquisition costs and the highest likelihood of attracting new customers. This principle applies even if your company is already developed. So make an effort to create case studies, collect testimonials, and seek referrals.
On the other hand, if you specialize in a certain area, you will find out where your audience is looking for information, knowledge and inspiration. Can you contribute to discussions? Try to be present and visible.
- Networking – but how?
Networks are important and a great source of new leads. Networking is therefore very useful for many companies. However, be careful not to overdo it! With the range of networking opportunities on offer, there is a risk that they will not only waste your money but also your time. Always keep in mind that most networking participants (like you) are only on the platforms to sell and not to buy.
Ultimately, your most important decision is to clearly define your target audience. It is the basis for most of the other decisions you need to make as you grow your business. Build your network around this target group(s) and you will do a lot of things right. This also saves you money and time.
- Multi-channel targeting makes sense
When you are clear about your target audience(s) and where you are (virtually) meeting them, focus on the best channel to reach them. If you have a business audience, LinkedIn and XING are certainly your channels of choice. What about Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram? Do you want to and can you ignore these channels? It depends on your target group(s)!
With limited resources, you cannot be present everywhere, you have to make decisions. Concentrate on a few relevant channels to achieve a greater return on investment (leads).
Surely you know that a prospect needs several touchpoints before he/she will buy from you for the first time. It has to do with trust. And you have to build and convey that. Since this does not happen all at once, multiple contact points are required. Here, too, the concentration on a few channels applies when resources are limited.