Crypto Exchange is a primary source of crypto trading and investing in coins. Many traders invest in crypto trading to increase their value. Still, it is a risky business, and there are always the chances that the invested money will go down despite all the predictions and estimations. Some cryptocurrency exchanges provide a crypto affiliate program by which you can earn the amount without having any risk. Affiliate programs can become a long-term profit generation if used with proper guidelines. In this article, we shall discuss the crypto exchange referral program and discuss the best crypto exchange in terms of affiliates and all other features. When it comes to crypto exchange affiliates, then kucoin comes in the first position. The kucoin affiliate program, like all other programs, has remarkable popularity. Moreover, the kucoin in their referral program offers a 40 percent share which is a lot more than others.
What Is An Affiliate Program?
An affiliate program can be said as a shared profit between the company and the person who is benefiting from the affiliate in return for the advertisement and recommendation of the crypto exchange. Many crypto exchange platforms provide the crypto affiliate program to reach out to more users and attract an audience. Based on the type of platform, the profit margin is also dependent. The affiliate share can range from 5 percent to 50 percent and can remain in order from 1 month to more than a year. These are the best crypto exchanges that provide affiliate programs.
KuCoin has the most attractive referral program and provides up to 40 percent share to the program user in terms of affiliate profit. If you are a blogger or have an online audience, then KuCoin is the best option for you to recommend to your audience. It has the minimum fees and no subscription or download charges. The KuCoin also has the best support for crypto trading and has its coin called KCS that can be used to trade between the currencies. You can find the latest cryptocurrency news on that platform, and with the support of the trading bot, the chances of the loss in trading are minimum with the maximum profit margin. It also supports 500 coins, which gives the user a wide area for investment. You can also view the live chart such as, BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT from KuCoin trade page.
Binance is also known for its affiliate program, but it does not provide much support for large coin ranges, and you can have access to just about ten or more coins. This is a drawback for those willing to invest money in growing currencies with much potential. Binance pays about 10 to 50 percent in affiliate programs, but this can only go for about three months.
Coinbase is another platform that provides affiliate programs. The user can take advantage of this platform to earn a risk-free profit, giving the affiliate profit for just three months. The profit margin is about 50 percent in coinbase, but it is only available on limited options. There are some restrictions in the coinbase affiliate program, and it only works when your referred party uses the program in the first month of signing in.Overall, it is a good platform but has some drawbacks.